Saturday 14 September 2013

Asmita Sood Lastest Hot pictures

Asmita Sood BIography

Asmita Sood was born on 20 December.In Simla,Himachal Pradesh,IndIa. She Is an IndIan actress who appears In Tollywood fIlms. A former model, Sood was a one of the contestant at the FemIna MIss IndIa 2011 competItIon. Her debut Film was in tollywood Industry.

Early lIfe:
She belong to a Business family situated in Simla. Also, born and brought up & studied in Simla. During her old days, she was a simple girl with more passionate about films. she had a family of mother(house wife), Father (Business men) and Brother. after her childhood she came to delhi for her higher Studies. She did her in Delhi University. By her passion about films she joined in Modeling. She is the one of the Tuff Contestant in Miss India 2011. She will be placed at 20th place.

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